Thursday 18 April 2019

API for Pick Pack and Ship Confirm in Oracle Apps

API for Pick Pack and Ship Confirm in Oracle Apps

In order to call these API’s we only need to pass the required parameters. It is mandatory that all the required parameters need to be initialized before they are passed to the called shipping API. The optional parameters are optional and can be passed as additional information if needed.

The parameters can also be classified as standard parameters and specific parameters.
Standard parameters are almost common to all the shipping API’s and the Specific Parameters are specific to a particular shipping API and are discussed separately for each of the API called in the flow. These standard and specific parameters can be one of the mandatory or option parameter.

Below example is done on Oracle Vision Operations system with the hard code values according to the system. While using below code, values to be passed according to the system you are working on. If any concerns please refer Oracle metalink.

Flow Sequence:

Following business flow shows the usage of various shipping public API’s during Pick, Pack and Ship activities. The diagram also shows the relevant shipping API’s used during each of these specific steps.

Standard Parameters in APIs:

1. p_api_version_number: This is used to compare the incoming API call's version
    number with the current version number (always set to 1.0).

2. p_init_msg_list: This is used to Initialize message list and use FND_API.G_TRUE to
    reset the list.

3. p_commit: Will commit the changes to the database. The Default Value is

4. x_return_status: Requests that the API return the status of the data after it completes 
    its function.

   Valid values include:
   Success               : FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
   Error                    : FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
   Unexpected Error: FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR

5. x_msg_count:  Indicates number of error messages API has encountered.

6. x_msg_data: Returns error message text. If the x_msg_count is equal to 1, then this
    contains the actual message.

Setting the application context:
 FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE() procedure in the beginning is used to initialize the environment. 
Detailed Flow Sequence:

Each of the steps created in the flow are discussed in detail under the following headings.

Book order:

Create an Order from order management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility with the following details

Customer Number :1006
Warehouse             : M1
Ship Method          : DHL
Line Item               : AS54888
Ordered Quantity   : 2

API to Create Delivery in Oracle Apps:

As a next step to booking, a new delivery needs to be created. In order to create a new delivery we need to call the shipping API “WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Create_update_delivery”  by passing the required and optional parameter values.

Specific parameters:

·         P_api_version_number => 1.0
·         p_action_code               => CREATE --  for creating new delivery
·         p_delivery_info  => Attributes of the delivery entity of type Delivery_Pub_Rec_Type

The sample script attached here can be used to create a new delivery.

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version            NUMBER;  
   init_msg_list            VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit                 VARCHAR2(30);

   -- Sepcific Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.create_update_delivery
   p_action_code            VARCHAR2(15);                            
   delivery_id              NUMBER;
   delivery_info            WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.DELIVERY_PUB_REC_TYPE;
   delivery_name            VARCHAR2(30);
   -- out parameters
   x_return_status          VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count              NUMBER;
   x_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
   x_msg_details            VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary            VARCHAR2(3000);

   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api                 EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters.
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Create a new delivery for the following                            := 'TEST-001'; -- Pass delivery name
   delivery_info.organization_id                 := 207;      -- Pass Organization ID
   delivery_info.initial_pickup_location_id      := 207;      -- Pass the Pick up location ID
   delivery_info.ultimate_dropoff_location_id    := 1091;     -- pass the Drop off location ID
   delivery_info.ship_method_code                := 'DHL';    -- pass Ship Method
   p_action_code                                 := 'CREATE'; -- Action Code
   -- Call to WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.create_update_delivery
      p_api_version_number  => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list       => init_msg_list,
      x_return_status       => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data            => x_msg_data,
      p_action_code         => p_action_code,
      p_delivery_info       => delivery_info,
      p_delivery_name       => delivery_name,
      x_delivery_id         => delivery_id,
      x_name                => delivery_name );
   -- If the return status is not success(S) then raise exception
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('New Delivery ID  : '||delivery_id);
      dbms_output.put_line('New Delivery Name: '||delivery_name);
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
         if x_msg_count > 1 then
            x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
            Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
            x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
            Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         end if;

Assign delivery detail to delivery:

The delivery detail can be assigned to the newly created delivery by using the public API “WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB. Detail_to_Delivery”.

Specific Parameters:

·         p_TabOfDelDets                => Table of Delivery Detail id’s
·         p_action                              => ASSIGN
·         p_delivery_id                     => Delivery id
·         delivery_name                   => Delivery name to which the detail lines will be assigned

The sample script attached here can be used to assign the delivery detail to the newly created delivery.

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version            NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list            VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit                 VARCHAR2(30);

   -- Parameters for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery
   p_delivery_id            NUMBER;
   p_delivery_name          VARCHAR2(30);
   p_TabOfDelDet            WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.id_tab_type;
   p_action                 VARCHAR2(30);

   -- out parameters
   x_return_status          VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count              NUMBER;
   x_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
   x_msg_details            VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary            VARCHAR2(3000);

   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api                 EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters.   
      user_id      => 1318,
      resp_id      => 21623,
      resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Values for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery
   p_delivery_id         := 1997596;
   p_delivery_name       :='TEST-001';
   p_TabOfDelDet(1)      := 2295572;
   p_action              := 'ASSIGN';

   -- Call to WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery.

      p_api_version      => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
      p_commit           => p_commit,
      x_return_status    => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
      p_TabOfDelDets     => p_TabOfDelDet,
      p_action           => p_action,
      p_delivery_id      => p_delivery_id,
      p_delivery_name    => p_delivery_name);
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('Detail '||p_TabOfDelDet(1)|| ' assignment to the delivery '|| p_delivery_name ||' is successful');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;

Pick Release:

The shipping public API "WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB. Delivery_Action”, enables
pick release of the sales order line.  The relevant pick release parameters are retrieved from the Shipping and Organization Parameter setup.

Specific Parameters:
  • p_action_code                            = > PICK_RELEASE
  • p_delivery_id/p_delivery_name => Id/name of delivery

Refer to the attached PICK_RELEASE.sql sample script which will pick releases lines for a given delivery.

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version             NUMBER;         
   p_init_msg_list           VARCHAR2(30);    
   p_commit                  VARCHAR2(30);

   --Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action.
   p_action_code             VARCHAR2(15); 
   p_delivery_id             NUMBER;       
   p_delivery_name           VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_trip_id             NUMBER;
   p_asg_trip_name           VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_pickup_stop_id      NUMBER;
   p_asg_pickup_loc_id       NUMBER;
   p_asg_pickup_loc_code     VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_pickup_arr_date     DATE;
   p_asg_pickup_dep_date     DATE;
   p_asg_dropoff_stop_id     NUMBER;
   p_asg_dropoff_loc_id      NUMBER;
   p_asg_dropoff_loc_code    VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_dropoff_arr_date    DATE;
   p_asg_dropoff_dep_date    DATE;
   p_sc_action_flag          VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_close_trip_flag      VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_create_bol_flag      VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_stage_del_flag       VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_trip_ship_method     VARCHAR2(30);
   p_sc_actual_dep_date      VARCHAR2(30);
   p_sc_report_set_id        NUMBER;
   p_sc_report_set_name      VARCHAR2(60);
   p_wv_override_flag        VARCHAR2(10);
   x_trip_id                 VARCHAR2(30);
   x_trip_name               VARCHAR2(30);
   -- outparameters
   x_return_status           VARCHAR2(10);   
   x_msg_count               NUMBER;          
   x_msg_data                VARCHAR2(2000); 
   x_msg_details             VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary             VARCHAR2(3000);
   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api                  EXCEPTION;

   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters.
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Values for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.delivery_action
   p_action_code := 'PICK-RELEASE';  -- Releases Lines related to a delivery
   p_delivery_id := 1997596;         -- delivery ID that action is performed on
   -- Call to WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action.
      p_api_version_number           => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list                => P_init_msg_list,
      x_return_status                => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count                    => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data                     => x_msg_data,
      p_action_code                  => p_action_code,
      p_delivery_id                  => p_delivery_id,
      p_delivery_name                => p_delivery_name,
      p_asg_trip_id                  => p_asg_trip_id,
      p_asg_trip_name                => p_asg_trip_name,
      p_asg_pickup_stop_id           => p_asg_pickup_stop_id,
      p_asg_pickup_loc_id            => p_asg_pickup_loc_id,
      p_asg_pickup_loc_code          => p_asg_pickup_loc_code,
      p_asg_pickup_arr_date          => p_asg_pickup_arr_date,
      p_asg_pickup_dep_date          => p_asg_pickup_dep_date,
      p_asg_dropoff_stop_id          => p_asg_dropoff_stop_id,
      p_asg_dropoff_loc_id           => p_asg_dropoff_loc_id,
      p_asg_dropoff_loc_code         => p_asg_dropoff_loc_code,
      p_asg_dropoff_arr_date         => p_asg_dropoff_arr_date,
      p_asg_dropoff_dep_date         => p_asg_dropoff_dep_date,
      p_sc_action_flag               => p_sc_action_flag,
      p_sc_close_trip_flag           => p_sc_close_trip_flag,
      p_sc_create_bol_flag           => p_sc_create_bol_flag,
      p_sc_stage_del_flag            => p_sc_stage_del_flag,
      p_sc_trip_ship_method          => p_sc_trip_ship_method,
      p_sc_actual_dep_date           => p_sc_actual_dep_date,
      p_sc_report_set_id             => p_sc_report_set_id,
      p_sc_report_set_name           => p_sc_report_set_name,
      p_wv_override_flag             => p_wv_override_flag,
      x_trip_id                      => x_trip_id,
      x_trip_name                    => x_trip_name);

      if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
         raise fail_api;
         dbms_output.put_line('The delivery '||p_delivery_id || ' is successfully pick released');
      end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
   end if;

Manual Pack:

Before advancing to this step, Please refer to Oracle metalink (Containerization in Shipping Execution) for all the necessary needed for packing/containerization 

Manual Packing involves two steps

1.      Creation of LPN’s:
 LPN creation is done using the public API  WSH_CONTAINER_PUB. Create_Container”

Specific Parameters:
·         p_container_item_id       => Key flexfield Id for the container
·         p_organization_id          => Organization ID for the container.
·         p_quantity                       => Number of containers created
·         p_container_name          => Container name if creating just one container
·         x_container_ids              => Table of the newly created container IDs of type
                                                   WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE, which is a table of  
                                                    type number indexed by binary integers

Refer to the attached CREATE_CONTAINER.sql sample script, which will enable the creation of containers
   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version           NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list         VARCHAR2(30) ;
   p_commit                VARCHAR2(30);
   -- Parameters for WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.create_containers
   p_container_item_id     NUMBER;
   p_container_item_name   VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_container_item_seg    FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY ;
   p_organization_id       NUMBER;
   p_organization_code     VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_name_prefix           VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_name_suffix           VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_base_number           NUMBER ;
   p_num_digits            NUMBER ;
   p_quantity              NUMBER ;
   p_container_name        VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   x_container_ids         WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE ;

   --out parameters
   x_return_status         VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count             NUMBER;
   x_msg_data              VARCHAR2(2000);
   x_msg_details           VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary           VARCHAR2(3000);
   --Handle exceptions
   fail_api                EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters.
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);

   p_container_item_id  := 4556;  -- inventory item id of the container item defined  
   p_container_name     :='CT-13';-- name of the new LPN to be created
   p_organization_id    := 207;   -- orgnization id to which the container is associated
   p_quantity           := 1;     -- denotes the number of LPN to be created.
      p_api_version         => 1.0
   ,  p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list
   ,  p_commit              => p_commit
   ,  x_return_status       => x_return_status
   ,  x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
   ,  x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
   ,  p_container_item_id   => p_container_item_id
   ,  p_container_item_name => p_container_item_name
   ,  p_container_item_seg  => p_container_item_seg
   ,  p_organization_id     => p_organization_id
   ,  p_organization_code   => p_organization_code
   ,  p_name_prefix         => p_name_prefix
   ,  p_name_suffix         => p_name_suffix
   ,  p_base_number         => p_base_number
   ,  p_num_digits          => p_num_digits
   ,  p_quantity            => p_quantity
   ,  p_container_name      => p_container_name
   ,  x_container_ids       => x_container_ids
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('Container '||p_container_name||' is successfully created');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;     

2.      Perform Manual Pack operation using the LPN created previously

In order to pack the delivery detail line item using the LPN created previously, we can use the public API “WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Container_Actions”.

Specific Parameters:
      p_container_name => Name of the container
      p_action_code       => Action code ‘PACK’
      p_detail_tab          => Delivery detail to be packed. Input table of delivery detail ids of 
                                        type WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE, which is a table of
                                        type Number indexed by binary integers.

Refer to the attached MANUAL_PACK.sql sample script, which will enable the packing action on the created LPN’s.

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version          NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list        VARCHAR2(30) ;
   p_commit               VARCHAR2(30);

   -- Parameters for WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.container_actions
   p_detail_tab           WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE ;
   p_container_name       VARCHAR2(2000);
   p_cont_instance_id     NUMBER ;
   p_container_flag       VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_delivery_flag        VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_delivery_id          NUMBER ;
   p_delivery_name        VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_action_code          VARCHAR2(2000);

   -- out parameters
   x_return_status        VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count            NUMBER;
   x_msg_data             VARCHAR2(2000); 
   x_msg_details          VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary          VARCHAR2(3000);
   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api               EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters.
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   p_container_name   := 'CT-13'; -- Container_name
   p_action_code      := 'PACK';  -- Container action code (PACK)
   p_detail_tab(1)    := 2325652; -- Delivery detail to be packed
      p_api_version          => 1.0
   ,  p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list
   ,  p_commit               => p_commit
   ,  x_return_status        => x_return_status
   ,  x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
   ,  x_msg_data             => x_msg_data
   ,  p_detail_tab           => p_detail_tab
   ,  p_container_name       => p_container_name
   ,  p_cont_instance_id     => p_cont_instance_id
   ,  p_container_flag       => p_container_flag
   ,  p_delivery_flag        => p_delivery_flag
   ,  p_delivery_id          => p_delivery_id
   ,  p_delivery_name        => p_delivery_name
   ,  p_action_code          => p_action_code
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('The container '||p_container_name||' is successfully packed');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;  


We can unpack the packed delivery line by making call to the container public API “WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Container_Actions”

Specific Parameters:
p_container_name=> Name of the container
p_action_code   => Action code ‘UNPACK’
p_detail_tab    => Delivery detail to be unpacked. Input table of delivery detail ids of type
                             WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE which is a table of type Number
                              indexed by binary integers.

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version          NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list        VARCHAR2(30) ;
   p_commit               VARCHAR2(30);

   -- Parameters for WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.container_actions
   p_detail_tab           WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE ;
   p_container_name       VARCHAR2(2000);
   p_cont_instance_id     NUMBER ;
   p_container_flag       VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_delivery_flag        VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_delivery_id          NUMBER ;
   p_delivery_name        VARCHAR2(2000) ;
   p_action_code          VARCHAR2(2000);
   --out parameters
   x_return_status        VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count            NUMBER;
   x_msg_data             VARCHAR2(2000);  
   x_msg_details          VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary          VARCHAR2(3000);
   --Handle exceptions
   fail_api               EXCEPTION;  
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   p_container_name := 'CT-1';   -- Container_name
   p_action_code    := 'UNPACK'; -- Container Action(UNPACK)
   p_detail_tab(1)  := 2325633;  -- Delivery detail to be unpacked
   -- Call to WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.container_actions
      p_api_version          => 1.0
   ,  p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list
   ,  p_commit               => p_commit
   ,  x_return_status        => x_return_status
   ,  x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
   ,  x_msg_data             => x_msg_data
   ,  p_detail_tab           => p_detail_tab
   ,  p_container_name       => p_container_name
   ,  p_cont_instance_id     => p_cont_instance_id
   ,  p_container_flag       => p_container_flag
   ,  p_delivery_flag        => p_delivery_flag
   ,  p_delivery_id          => p_delivery_id
   ,  p_delivery_name        => p_delivery_name
   ,  p_action_code          => p_action_code
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('The container '||p_container_name|| ' unpack action is successful');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;  

Unassign the unpacked LPN line from delivery:

The delivery detail for the LPN line, which was unpacked, previously needs to be unassigned from the delivery.

Using “WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery” shipping API, the delivery detail is unassigned from the delivery.

Specific parameters:
·         p_TabOfDelDets                          => Table of Delivery Detail id’s
·         p_action                                       => Action UNASSIGN
·         p_delivery_id or delivery_name  => Delivery id or delivery name to which the detail lines will be assigned

   -- Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version          NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list        VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit               VARCHAR2(30);

   -- Parameters for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery
   p_delivery_id          NUMBER;
   delivery_name          VARCHAR2(30);
   p_TabOfDelDet          WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.id_tab_type;
   p_action               VARCHAR2(30);

   -- out parameters
   x_return_status        VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count            NUMBER;
   x_msg_data             VARCHAR2(2000);
   x_msg_details          VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary          VARCHAR2(3000);

   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api               EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Values for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery
   p_delivery_id         := 2021620;    -- delivery ID
   p_TabOfDelDet(1)      := 2325641;    -- delivery Detail ID
   p_action              := 'UNASSIGN'; -- Action (UNASSIGN)
   -- Call to WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Detail_to_Delivery.

      p_api_version      => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
      p_commit           => p_commit,
      x_return_status    => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
      p_TabOfDelDets     => p_TabOfDelDet,
      p_action           => p_action,
      p_delivery_id      => p_delivery_id,
      p_delivery_name    => delivery_name);
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('the unpacked container line '||p_TabOfDelDet(1)|| ' is unassigned successfully from delivery '|| p_delivery_id);
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;

Auto Pack Master:

The Auto-Pack Master behaves very much similar to Auto-Pack except that it goes one step further and packs the created “detail” containers into one or more “parent (master)” container(s).

The parameter “p_pack_cont_flag” set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’ will decide whether to autopack the detail containers that are created into parent containers.
For Auto pack master option, set this parameter to ‘Y’

Specific Parameters:

·         P_entity_tab     => Table of ids of either lines or containers or deliveries that need to
                                      be autopacked of type WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE
                                      which is a table of type Number indexed by binary integers.
·         P_entity_type    => Type of entity id contained in the entity_tab that needs to be
                                      autopacked ('L' - lines, 'C' -containers or 'D' - deliveries).
·         P_group_id_tab => Table of ids (numbers that determine the grouping of lines for
                                       packing into containers) of type
                                      WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE which is a table of type                    
                                       Number indexed by binary integers.
·         P_pack_cont_flag=> A 'Y' or 'N' value to determine whether to autopack the detail
                                        containers that are created into parent containers.
·         X_cont_inst_tab => Table of container IDs created during the autopacking process of


   --Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version_number   NUMBER;
   init_msg_list          VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit               VARCHAR2(30);

   --Parameters for WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Auto_Pack.
   p_entity_tab           WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
   p_entity_type          VARCHAR2(30);
   p_group_id_tab         WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
   p_pack_cont_flag       VARCHAR2(30):='Y';
   x_cont_inst_tab        WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
   --out parameters
   x_return_status        VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count            NUMBER;
   x_msg_data             VARCHAR2(5000);  
   x_msg_details          VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary          VARCHAR2(3000);

   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api               EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Values for autopacking the delivery details to a container
   p_group_id_tab(1)   :=1;
   p_entity_tab(1)     := '2325652';
   --Call to WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Auto_Pack  
      p_api_version          => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list        => init_msg_list,
      p_commit               => p_commit,
      x_return_status        => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
      p_entity_tab           => p_entity_tab,
      p_entity_type          => 'L',
      p_group_id_tab         => p_group_id_tab,
      p_pack_cont_flag       => p_pack_cont_flag,
      x_cont_inst_tab        => x_cont_inst_tab);
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('Autopack Master action on delivery detail '||p_entity_tab(1)|| ' is completed successfully');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;  

Update Delivery Details:

The “WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Update_Shipping_Attributes” API enables you to modify data in wsh_delivery_details.
In this specific example we have used this API to update the shipped_quantity field in the wsh_delivery_details table to ship all quantities.

Specific Parameters:
·         p_changed_attributes=>Attributes of Changed Attributes Tab Type that are to be updated.
·         p_source_code => Code for source system which updates wsh_delivery_details table(always set to OE)

In order to specify in your logic about backorder or staged quantities you can use the
following logic

-- Ship all quantities

changed_attributes(1).delivery_detail_id := <<Enter the detail id>>;
changed_attributes(1).shipped_quantity := <<Enter the full quantity to be shipped>>;

-- Back order all quantities

changed_attributes(2).delivery_detail_id := <<Enter the detail id>>;
changed_attributes(2).shipped_quantity := 0;
changed_attributes(2).cycle_count_quantity := <<Enter the full quantity to be shipped>>;

-- Stage all the quantities

changed_attributes(3).delivery_detail_id := <<Enter the full quantity to be shipped>>;
changed_attributes(3).shipped_quantity := 0;
changed_attributes(3).cycle_count_quantity := 0;

   --Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version        NUMBER;
   init_msg_list        VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit             VARCHAR2(30);

   --Parameters for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.update_shipping_attributes.
   source_code          VARCHAR2(15);
   changed_attributes   WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.ChangedAttributeTabType;

   --out parameters
   x_return_status      VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count          NUMBER;
   x_msg_data           VARCHAR2(2000);  
   x_msg_details        VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary        VARCHAR2(3000);

   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api             EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   /* Values for updating delivery details to ship all quantities in the
      first line, stage everything in the second line, and back order all in
      the third. It is assumed that the user knows the quantities in each
   source_code := 'OE';                                  -- The only source code that should be used by the API
   changed_attributes(1).delivery_detail_id  := 2325652; -- Ship All quantities in this detail.
   changed_attributes(1).shipped_quantity    := 2;       -- update the shipped quantity to 2 
   --Call to WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Update_Shipping_Attributes.
      p_api_version_number      => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list           => init_msg_list,
      p_commit                  => p_commit,
      x_return_status           => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
      p_changed_attributes      => changed_attributes,
      p_source_code             => source_code);
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('The shipped quantity is updated with '||changed_attributes(1).shipped_quantity|| ' for the delivery detail '||changed_attributes(1).delivery_detail_id );
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;  


Ship Confirm:

As a final step, call “WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action” API in order to ship confirm the delivery.

Specific Parameters:
p_action_code(Required) => action to be performed on Delivery
p_delivery_id (Required)  => delivery id on which the action is performed
p_trip_name    =>  Trip identifier for assignment of trip to delivery
p_asg_pickup_loc_code => Stop location code for pickup assignment
p_asg_pickup_dep_date => Stop location departure date for pickup assignment
p_asg_dropoff_loc_code=> Stop location code for dropoff assignment
p_asg_dropoff_dep_date=> Stop location departure date for dropoff assignment
p_sc_action_flag             => Ship Confirm option - S, B, T, A, C. Used p_sc_intransit_flag         => Ship Confirm set in-transit flag.
p_sc_close_trip_flag      => Ship Confirm close trip flag.
p_sc_create_bol_flag     => Ship Confirm create Bill of Lading flag
p_sc_stage_del_flag       => Ship Confirm create delivery for stage quantity flag
p_sc_trip_ship_method  => Ship Confirm trip ship method.
p_wv_override_flag       => Override flag for weight volume calculations.
x_trip_name                   => Name of autocreated trip.

   --Standard Parameters.
   p_api_version                NUMBER;
   p_init_msg_list              VARCHAR2(30);
   p_commit                     VARCHAR2(30);

   --Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action.
   p_action_code                VARCHAR2(15);
   p_delivery_id                NUMBER;
   p_delivery_name              VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_trip_id                NUMBER;
   p_asg_trip_name              VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_pickup_stop_id         NUMBER;
   p_asg_pickup_loc_id          NUMBER;
   p_asg_pickup_loc_code        VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_pickup_arr_date        DATE;
   p_asg_pickup_dep_date        DATE;
   p_asg_dropoff_stop_id        NUMBER;
   p_asg_dropoff_loc_id         NUMBER;
   p_asg_dropoff_loc_code       VARCHAR2(30);
   p_asg_dropoff_arr_date       DATE;
   p_asg_dropoff_dep_date       DATE;
   p_sc_action_flag             VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_close_trip_flag         VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_create_bol_flag         VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_stage_del_flag          VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_trip_ship_method        VARCHAR2(30);
   p_sc_actual_dep_date         VARCHAR2(30);
   p_sc_report_set_id           NUMBER;
   p_sc_report_set_name         VARCHAR2(60);
   p_wv_override_flag           VARCHAR2(10);
   p_sc_defer_interface_flag    VARCHAR2(1);
   x_trip_id                    VARCHAR2(30);
   x_trip_name                  VARCHAR2(30);

   --out parameters
   x_return_status              VARCHAR2(10);
   x_msg_count                  NUMBER;
   x_msg_data                   VARCHAR2(2000);
   x_msg_details                VARCHAR2(3000);
   x_msg_summary                VARCHAR2(3000);
   -- Handle exceptions
   fail_api                     EXCEPTION;
   -- Initialize return status
   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
   -- Call this procedure to initialize applications parameters
      user_id      => 1318
   ,  resp_id      => 21623
   ,  resp_appl_id => 660);
   -- Values for Ship Confirming the delivery
   p_action_code                 := 'CONFIRM'; -- The action code for ship confirm
   p_delivery_id                 := 2023619;   -- The delivery that needs to be confirmed
   p_sc_action_flag              := 'S';       -- Ship entered quantity.
   p_sc_close_trip_flag          := 'Y';       -- Close the trip after ship confirm
   p_sc_trip_ship_method         := 'DHL';     -- The ship method code
   p_sc_defer_interface_flag     := 'N';
   -- Call to WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action.
      p_api_version_number         => 1.0,
      p_init_msg_list              => p_init_msg_list,
      x_return_status              => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data,
      p_action_code                => p_action_code,
      p_delivery_id                => p_delivery_id,
      p_delivery_name              => p_delivery_name,
      p_asg_trip_id                => p_asg_trip_id,
      p_asg_trip_name              => p_asg_trip_name,
      p_asg_pickup_stop_id         => p_asg_pickup_stop_id,
      p_asg_pickup_loc_id          => p_asg_pickup_loc_id,
      p_asg_pickup_loc_code        => p_asg_pickup_loc_code,
      p_asg_pickup_arr_date        => p_asg_pickup_arr_date,
      p_asg_pickup_dep_date        => p_asg_pickup_dep_date,
      p_asg_dropoff_stop_id        => p_asg_dropoff_stop_id,
      p_asg_dropoff_loc_id         => p_asg_dropoff_loc_id,
      p_asg_dropoff_loc_code       => p_asg_dropoff_loc_code,
      p_asg_dropoff_arr_date       => p_asg_dropoff_arr_date,
      p_asg_dropoff_dep_date       => p_asg_dropoff_dep_date,
      p_sc_action_flag             => p_sc_action_flag,
      p_sc_close_trip_flag         => p_sc_close_trip_flag,
      p_sc_create_bol_flag         => p_sc_create_bol_flag,
      p_sc_stage_del_flag          => p_sc_stage_del_flag,
      p_sc_trip_ship_method        => p_sc_trip_ship_method,
      p_sc_actual_dep_date         => p_sc_actual_dep_date,
      p_sc_report_set_id           => p_sc_report_set_id,
      p_sc_report_set_name         => p_sc_report_set_name,
      p_wv_override_flag           => p_wv_override_flag,
      p_sc_defer_interface_flag    => p_sc_defer_interface_flag  ,         
      x_trip_id                    => x_trip_id,
      x_trip_name                  => x_trip_name);
   if (x_return_status <> WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
      raise fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('The confirm action on the delivery '||p_delivery_id||' is successful');
   end if;
   when fail_api then
      WSH_UTIL_CORE.get_messages('Y', x_msg_summary, x_msg_details,x_msg_count);
      if x_msg_count > 1 then
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
         x_msg_data := x_msg_summary;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Message Data : '||x_msg_data);
      end if;  


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