Friday 19 April 2019

Query to find AP Transactions in Oracle Apps

--Query to find AP Transactions for particular vendor with Natural Account Details

SELECT   c.period_name, b.segment1, b.vendor_name, a.invoice_num,
         invoice_type_lookup_code, e.line_source, z.item_description,
         a.invoice_currency_code, c.amount,
         NVL (c.base_amount, c.amount) AS base_amount,
         NVL (z.segment2, d.segment2) AS account_code,
         (SELECT ffv.description
            FROM fnd_flex_values_vl ffv
           WHERE 1 = 1
             AND flex_value_meaning = NVL (z.segment2, d.segment2)
             AND ffv.flex_value_set_id IN (
                                         SELECT flex_value_set_id
                                           FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
                                          WHERE flex_value_set_name =
         a.invoice_date, c.description, c.match_status_flag, c.posted_flag,
    FROM ap_invoices_all a,
         po_vendors b,
         ap_invoice_distributions_all c,
         gl_code_combinations d,
         ap_invoice_lines_all e,
         (SELECT item_id, item_description, b.po_header_id, b.po_line_id,
                 pda.po_distribution_id, pda.code_combination_id,
            FROM po_headers_all a,
                 po_lines_all b,
                 po_distributions_all pda,
                 gl_code_combinations gcc
           WHERE a.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
             AND a.org_id = b.org_id
             AND a.vendor_id = a.vendor_id
             AND a.po_header_id = pda.po_header_id
             AND b.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
             AND pda.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id) z
   WHERE a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
     AND a.invoice_id = c.invoice_id
     AND a.org_id = c.org_id
     AND b.segment1 = :p_supplier_num   
     AND c.dist_code_combination_id = d.code_combination_id
     AND a.invoice_id = e.invoice_id
     AND a.org_id = e.org_id
     AND e.line_number = c.invoice_line_number
     AND e.po_header_id = z.po_header_id(+)
     AND e.po_line_id = z.po_line_id(+)
     AND e.po_distribution_id = z.po_distribution_id(+)
     AND a.cancelled_date IS NULL
     AND c.line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'
     AND c.accounting_date BETWEEN :p_from_date AND :p_to_date
ORDER BY c.accounting_date;

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